
"...leave us kids alone!"

Edo asked for school stories. She's the sort of person who has a determination to get the things she wants, and asks with an honest expectation of a hearty reception and prompt fulfillment of her requests. She's the kind you cannot say no to but with a twinge of conscience.

At times, though, there is either too much or too little to write, and one just keeps staring at the screen with the intelligent look of a Welsh sheep, musing on the meaning of life. Starting school with my oldest daughter left me in that state of mind for several weeks, and it is only recently that I've begun verbalizing my impressions of primary school.

What a thrilling experience! That's what you guys think, right? Well, you're wrong. After spending numerous hours planning and calculating and getting ready for the challenge, I suddenly found myself in the uncomfortable boots of Ms I-don't-know I-cannot. I had shivers, not thrills. For a couple of weeks every morning was an enemy. Schoolbag, elevenses, drink, where's the bottle?, is her hair done?, must have a pee, are we late Mom?, note to the teacher, haven't read hers, more cash to shed, what in the world is Paws magazine?, music and swimming - and early to bed...!

At school, my gorgeous sits next to a lovely young man, they exchange smiles. JG thrusts her hand into the air in the middle of every question, she answers and explains her views in complete sentences, she listens to the teachers with eyes glittering with zeal and interest, she is popular and adored, her drawings are put out on display in the assembly hall, she flies in second at the PE lesson behind a national team runner...

I mean - probably. I don't know for sure. She is too tired to answer my questions after school, and she is too independent to ask for my opinion. I kept trying to elicit the details of her days. It only made her angry. "Mom, ain't you got a life of your own?!" - she said one afternoon. We haven't really discussed school since then. We just walk or jump into the car and drive home. We talk about what has happened to me that day, and JG appreciates that she has a mother who has a life of her own - just like she does.

1 comment:

Edihal said...

Thanks for the update, RaySeekeRrrr. I knew you could do it :-).
I am sure JG is just as adorable and adored in school as she is pretty much all the time, everywhere. I never knew she had a second name! What does G stand for?
"Leavin' them kids alone" is probably not any less challenging for a mom than being there for them. And boy, you had to start early!